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Boards search results
Let’s start from the beginning – when (or rather how fast) our board might be indexed by the Pinterest’s search engine?
This answer depends on a few factors. The most important one is strength of our account and level of our activity. On this basis Pinterest sets the frequency that its crawlers visit our account. Simple: the more followers we have, the more willingly our pins are repinned by others pinners and the more active we are (more pins we add) the more crawlers want to visit our account.
This is visible in the results from the 15th of March 2013:

It took about 3 – 4 days for the boards to be indexed by Pinterest for query „Lingerie Wholesale”. As you can see, Pinterest indexed only the boards which included the searched term in their titles. The other boards from our customer’s Pinterest account (for example “Axami Wholesale”) weren’t indexed despite the fact that there were a lot of pins which contained the searched term in their description.
So, for the first time, we may notice that the keywords used in the name of a board are really important factor for Pinterest search engine.
To get to know the exact factors I decided to do a very precise analysis. I will present there the results gathered during two days of tests done in April 2013. First one will show my hypothesis and the second one will confirm it.
On the 9th of April 2013 I checked what Pinterest’s boards search results would be displayed for „lingerie wholesale” query.
The first 12 results displayed:

On the first position we may find “Lingerie Wholesale” board and on the 2nd position Axami’s board. The board number 3 is “Lingerie Wholesale – new products”. Despite the fact that it has more pins than the previous one. It has about 50 pins more (about 30 were just added – no chance it was indexed) than Axami’s board has. However, we can clearly see that it’s just a matter of time when the new added pins would be indexed by Pinterest. If I’m right, in a few days “Lingerie Wholesale – new products” board should be definitely higher than Axami’s board.
The next boards are “Obsessive Lingerie Wholesale” and “Plus Size Lingerie wholesale” (the last one doesn’t come from the Lingerose’s account). “Obsessive” has 16 pins less, but in “Plus Size Lingerie wholesale” board the last pins were added 12 weeks ago. Pinterest could have considered my board as “more fresh” than its opponent or it could have been also a matter of followers.
Another 6 boards perfectly show that their order is set by the number of pins.
What about the next 12 results (positions 13-24)?

The first 6 results (positions 13-18) – almost the same situation as the one described above. The number of pins decided about their order. However, there is one exception – a board “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” that appeared in search results recently with 92 pins added. 52 of them were added the day before. So, the day before there were about 40 pins only. This number gave the board a position exactly between “Nipllex Lingerie Wholesale” board with 53 pins and “Tessoro Lingerie Wholesale” board with 36 pins. I thought that if I was right “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” board should be higher than “Anais Lingerie Wholesale” board with 81 pins added during the next few days.
And as I checked the results (the next day) the “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” board overtook “Anais Lingerie Wholesale” board. So, as I expected, it was only a matter of time and it’s the number of pins that plays the main role.
On the positions 19-24 – the same situation with no exception.
Once again – I want to highlight that the number of pins is the most important factor. Of course if a board’s name matches to the search query.
To confirm my thesis I checked the situation 2 weeks later and received the following results (compared to those gathered on the 9th of April 2013).
As you can see (the table below) – there are not many changes. Almost the same positions of the first 24 boards for “lingerie wholesale” query.

We may notice that the order of boards displayed depends on the number of pins added. The more pins board has the higher position it can reach. However, there are some exceptions and I’m going to focus on them now.
Let’s start from boards classified at the second and third places. Both of them belong to our account:
2. “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” – 192 pins
3. “Lingerie Wholesale – New Products!!!” – 260 pins
It is not difficult to notice that “New products…” has more pins. As you can see below, last time “New products…” had also more pins than “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale”.
So, what could be possible explanation for this situation? The most probable one is that it’s all because of the boards’ titles. Both names include “lingerie wholesale” keywords but “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” seems to be more accurate to searched query „lingerie wholesale”.
“Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” contains 3 words – 2 of them are our keywords
“Lingerie Wholesale – New Products!!!” – contains 4 words (2 of them are our keywords) and 3 special characters.
Ok, let’s leave these two boards and let’s go further to positions 20, 21, 22 and 23. The first 3 boards don’t belong to Lingerose’s account.
20 – “Lingerie Wholesale” – 14 pins
21 – “Sexy Teddy Lingerie Wholesale” 27 pins
22 – “Teddy Lingerie Wholesale” – 19 pins
23 – „Gorsenia Lingerie Wholesale” – 15 pins
As we might see “Lingerie Wholesale” is higher than the other 3 boards with more pins added. Again, I think it’s a matter of accuracy of a board’s name. “Lingerie wholesale” is exactly the same as the keywords that I typed into the search field.
Read the next part of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine