Fashion Marketing

In this category of our blog we focus on marketing strategy for fashion industry, presenting practical tips and sharing our experience we’ve gained over the years of work in the fashion industry. As we truly believe we live in the era of photo and photos themselves are the most important factor and the base of the whole marketing strategy around fashion business, we devoted one of the section within this category to photo marketing only. As we are also aware that many of you need some introduction to the world of marketing and advertisements in the second section basics you can find the fundamental information and explanation of fashion marketing which we hope you find very useful.


Pinterest SEO – Summary – part 6

Read the previous of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine


In the chapters of this book I did my best to explain and show what factors really work and matter to Pinterest and Google search engines. I did give a lot of examples and proofs from my own research based on the 6 months’ campaign which I personally conducted. I hope you enjoyed it and learnt some new things that you haven’t known yet. And, what is more important – I hope those things will be useful for your future Pinterest’s campaigns.
If you would ask me to point out the most important factors, I would definitely say: create a powerful account, be consistent and become a leader!
And finally, as I promised in the introduction – the simple recipe to succeed:
“Keep Calm and Keep Pinning”

Check the first part of our research – Pinterest’s impact on Google search results

Check the second part of our research – Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

55. Lingerie Wholesale in Pinterest boards

Pinterest SEO – Boards search results – part 5

Read the previous of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

Boards search results

Let’s start from the beginning – when (or rather how fast) our board might be indexed by the Pinterest’s search engine?
This answer depends on a few factors. The most important one is strength of our account and level of our activity. On this basis Pinterest sets the frequency that its crawlers visit our account. Simple: the more followers we have, the more willingly our pins are repinned by others pinners and the more active we are (more pins we add) the more crawlers want to visit our account.
This is visible in the results from the 15th of March 2013:

54. lingerie wholesale in Pinterest boards

It took about 3 – 4 days for the boards to be indexed by Pinterest for query „Lingerie Wholesale”. As you can see, Pinterest indexed only the boards which included the searched term in their titles. The other boards from our customer’s Pinterest account (for example “Axami Wholesale”) weren’t indexed despite the fact that there were a lot of pins which contained the searched term in their description.
So, for the first time, we may notice that the keywords used in the name of a board are really important factor for Pinterest search engine.
To get to know the exact factors I decided to do a very precise analysis. I will present there the results gathered during two days of tests done in April 2013. First one will show my hypothesis and the second one will confirm it.
On the 9th of April 2013 I checked what Pinterest’s boards search results would be displayed for „lingerie wholesale” query.
The first 12 results displayed:

55. Lingerie Wholesale in Pinterest boards

On the first position we may find “Lingerie Wholesale” board and on the 2nd position Axami’s board. The board number 3 is “Lingerie Wholesale – new products”. Despite the fact that it has more pins than the previous one. It has about 50 pins more (about 30 were just added – no chance it was indexed) than Axami’s board has. However, we can clearly see that it’s just a matter of time when the new added pins would be indexed by Pinterest. If I’m right, in a few days “Lingerie Wholesale – new products” board should be definitely higher than Axami’s board.
The next boards are “Obsessive Lingerie Wholesale” and “Plus Size Lingerie wholesale” (the last one doesn’t come from the Lingerose’s account). “Obsessive” has 16 pins less, but in “Plus Size Lingerie wholesale” board the last pins were added 12 weeks ago. Pinterest could have considered my board as “more fresh” than its opponent or it could have been also a matter of followers.
Another 6 boards perfectly show that their order is set by the number of pins.
What about the next 12 results (positions 13-24)?

56. Lingerie Wholesale in Pinterest boards 13-24

The first 6 results (positions 13-18) – almost the same situation as the one described above. The number of pins decided about their order. However, there is one exception – a board “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” that appeared in search results recently with 92 pins added. 52 of them were added the day before. So, the day before there were about 40 pins only. This number gave the board a position exactly between “Nipllex Lingerie Wholesale” board with 53 pins and “Tessoro Lingerie Wholesale” board with 36 pins. I thought that if I was right “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” board should be higher than “Anais Lingerie Wholesale” board with 81 pins added during the next few days.
And as I checked the results (the next day) the “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” board overtook “Anais Lingerie Wholesale” board. So, as I expected, it was only a matter of time and it’s the number of pins that plays the main role.
On the positions 19-24 – the same situation with no exception.

Once again – I want to highlight that the number of pins is the most important factor. Of course if a board’s name matches to the search query.

To confirm my thesis I checked the situation 2 weeks later and received the following results (compared to those gathered on the 9th of April 2013).
As you can see (the table below) – there are not many changes. Almost the same positions of the first 24 boards for “lingerie wholesale” query.


We may notice that the order of boards displayed depends on the number of pins added. The more pins board has the higher position it can reach. However, there are some exceptions and I’m going to focus on them now.
Let’s start from boards classified at the second and third places. Both of them belong to our account:
2. “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” – 192 pins
3. “Lingerie Wholesale – New Products!!!” – 260 pins
It is not difficult to notice that “New products…” has more pins. As you can see below, last time “New products…” had also more pins than “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale”.
So, what could be possible explanation for this situation? The most probable one is that it’s all because of the boards’ titles. Both names include “lingerie wholesale” keywords but “Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” seems to be more accurate to searched query „lingerie wholesale”.
“Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” contains 3 words – 2 of them are our keywords
“Lingerie Wholesale – New Products!!!” – contains 4 words (2 of them are our keywords) and 3 special characters.
Ok, let’s leave these two boards and let’s go further to positions 20, 21, 22 and 23. The first 3 boards don’t belong to Lingerose’s account.
20 – “Lingerie Wholesale” – 14 pins
21 – “Sexy Teddy Lingerie Wholesale” 27 pins
22 – “Teddy Lingerie Wholesale” – 19 pins
23 – „Gorsenia Lingerie Wholesale” – 15 pins

As we might see “Lingerie Wholesale” is higher than the other 3 boards with more pins added. Again, I think it’s a matter of accuracy of a board’s name. “Lingerie wholesale” is exactly the same as the keywords that I typed into the search field.

Read the next part of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

52. Axami

Pinterest SEO – Other Factors – part 4

Read the previous of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

Other factors

In this subsection I want to focus on factors which I didn’t mention before. They are also very important and might affect your Pinterest SEO. However, I give them a little less importance than I gave to the factors described in the analysis of the “Lingerie Wholesale” campaign results.

Image Recognition Technology or Image Name
I want to start from explanation what image recognition technology is. Pinterest uses this technology for many purposes. One of them is a porn content recognition system. It blocks photos which might contain porn content before they are added to Pinterest.
Another one, might be the fact that Pinterest uses this technology in its algorithm to create the search results list.
How does Pinterest recognize photos? Pinterest does analysis of pins at a pixel level and might check whether two pins are actually the same.
Ok, but why do I want to put this technology and the image name together?
As I mentioned before, the factors described in this part of the book are my conclusion based on some observations. They are not the result of experience gained during the campaign. If I’m not in control of the whole process, I cannot be as precise as I’d like to be.
In the examples given below you will see that Pinterest indexed pins because of the technology recognition or the image name. As it wasn’t me who uploaded those pins, I cannot say what was the name of the pins before they were added.

While I was doing research for the keywords related to Lingerose’s offer I discovered something strange. I typed in the “Axami” keyword. Among many pins which I added to the Lingerose’s account I found one pin that came from the board “Lingerie 3” of the user “Body Lingerie”. This user and his group boards were very strong, with extremely huge number of followers and signals received. What was interesting is that this pin was uploaded to the board and it didn’t contain any “Axami” keyword in its description: “You won’t believe how sexy Sylwia Wojciech is… wow!”.

52. Axami

So there were two possible explanations. First, the name of the uploaded photo contained the “Axami” keyword and it was kept somewhere in Pinterest’s database. The second option – Pinterest had to compare this pin to the same pin added by some other pinner (for example me) and decided they were exactly the same. Of course, the other pin had to contain the “Axami” keyword or any other factor that said this was Axami’s product.
It seemed to be interesting to me and I wanted to investigate further. I typed in “Sylwia Wojciech” – the name of the model presented at that pin and I received the following results:

53. Sylwia Wojciech

As you can see, there are two exactly the same photos of hers, wearing a blue lingerie set. The left one contains “Sylwia Wojciech” in its description, the right one doesn’t have these keywords and it was uploaded. We have a very similar situation to the previous one. Maybe the photo’s name included “Sylwia Wojciech” before it was added. The second option – maybe Pinterest compared both photos (Sylwia wearing a blue lingerie set) and decided they were the same so it displayed both of them in the search results.
To sum up, as we have no influence on the technology of the image recognition (an independent factor), it is a good idea to give proper names to photos we upload to Pinterest. Especially when we don’t use any important keywords in the pins descriptions.

Checking the results for “Sylwia Wojciech” I found another interesting pin. As the first one, Pinterest displayed the pin with no description. So, how in this case did Pinterest know that the woman in the photo is the person I was looking for?
I clicked on the pin and I was redirected to the website with the following extension of URL:
My searched term was repeated twice in the URL.
However, I also checked the name of this pin as it was displayed on the site:
The keyword also appeared in the photo’s name.
So, again, we may ask if Pinterest keeps in its databases the names of the photos and uses them. We definitely know that it keeps and uses URLs of all the pins added.
As the pin was displayed on the first position, I can definitely say that one of those factors does matter to Pinterest. So, having your URL containing the keywords might be as important as using the keywords in photos’ names.

Read the next part of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

48. lingerie wholesale 26.08.2013-1

Pinterest SEO – Lingerie Wholesale – part 3

Read the previous of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

Lingerie Wholesale pins – the deeper insight

I must say that my strong position in the Pinterest’s search results list gave a lot of comfort for my further researches. At the end of August, I decided to take advantage of that situation and see exactly how the search engine indexes my pins.
In my case Pinterest displays Lingerose’s new added pins at the very top of search results. Every day, the top of results list for “lingerie wholesale” was occupied by my pins only. I’ll try to answer which pins or boards Pinterest prefers.
Let’s check it out.
The results from 20th of August 2013

46. lingerie wholesale 20.08.2013

Again, we may find pins that come from my boards:
“Lingerie Wholesale – New Products”
“Sexy Lingerie Wholesale”
In the first 12 results there were 3 pins from the “New Products” board added 11 days earlier.
There were 7 pins from the “Sexy” board, 2 of them were freshly added (about 1-2 days earlier), the other 5 were added about 3-5 days earlier. However, in the “Sexy” board I added much more pins than those displayed above. So, why did Pinterest select these pins not the others? Looking at the numbers of signals (likes and repins) received at that day and checking the same pins today, I may say that Pinterest selected the most popular pins.

23th – 25th of August 2013
On the 20th of August, a part of new products appeared in The same day their photos were added to Pinterest. It took them about 2-3 days for being indexed and displayed in the search results list:

47. lingerie wholesale 23.08.2013

The results were not changed in another 2 days, despite the fact that many other pins were added to the other board of Lingerose’s account. However, it was the board “Hosiery Wholesale”, so all the pins contained “hosiery wholesale” in their description.

26th – 30th of August 2013
There was another part of new products introduced in on the 23th of August. 3 days later, on the 26th of August, Pinterest indexed them and displayed at the very top of search results:

48. lingerie wholesale 26.08.2013-1

The new pins overtook the pins which were displayed a day earlier. That situation remained the same for another 3 days – till the 30th of August.
The last days of August I started again adding new pins to the brands’ boards. Just to remind – the last pins I had added to the brands’ boards about the middle of April 2013.

30th of August 2013
I got the following results:

49. lingerie wholesale 30.08.2013-1

As you can see, on the top of results we have 4 Mat’s pins and 3 Ava’s pins added 3 days earlier, and 1 Miran’s pin added 2 days earlier. They “pushed down” the pins from “New products” board.
The next day the same results were displayed.

1st of September 2013
On the 29th of August we had again a part of new products introduced to This time it took them only 2 days to be indexed by Pinterest:

50. lingerie wholesale 01.09.2013-1

As we can see among the pins from “New Products” board there is one from “Ava” board.

4th of September 2013
From the 29th of August to the 4th of September there were many pins added to the brands’ boards of Ava and Kinga.
As we can see at the print screen below, freshly added pins of Ava and Kinga “pushed down” the pins from “New Products” board.

51. lingerie wholesale 04.09.2013-1

It is time to sum up the results presented above.
1. Pinterest displays pins which contain our searched query only. It is also related to the name of the board where pins come from. For example, Pinterest didn’t display pins with “hosiery wholesale” added to their descriptions. Those pins came from the “Hosiery Wholesale” board.
2. Pins from the biggest board “Lingerie Wholesale” were not displayed in search results. I think the answer is very simple: there are more than 3000 pins contained “lingerie wholesale” in their descriptions. Pinterest comparing those pins to the pins from some other boards decided that “Lingerie Wholesale” board might be keywords overstuffed.
3. Pinterest likes to display fresh results. This is a very important factor for the algorithm used by Pinterest.
4. Signals which pins receive are also one of the factors which matter to Pinterest. However, checking all my results gathered and looking at the results for other (much broader) keywords, I must say that more important factor is a powerful account and strength of a particular board. In the next part of this book “Boards search results” you will see what factors create the strength of a board. I also encourage to compare the orders of pins displayed in results above to the strength of the Lingerose’s boards.

Read the next part of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

42. Lingerie

Pinterest’s SEO – Lingerie Wholesale – part 2

Read the introduction of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

Lingerie Wholesale

Similar to Pinterest’s impact on Google analysis, also here I will analyze the keywords in a chronological order. Let’s start from the March’s results.

27th of March 2013
It didn’t take a long time to capture Pinterest search engine results. My Pinterest’s activity was appreciated very quickly. After 2 weeks of total madness (the proper campaign) – I mean here: every day spending many hours pinning, repinning and sharing Lingerose’s photos – the very top of Pinterest search results list was conquered.

37. lingerie wholesale in Pinterest

As you may see above there were 11 pins of the first 12 results that belonged to
30th of March 2013
3 days later, I noticed some significant changes. I kept the first 5 positions but in the first 12 results there were 3 pins which didn’t belong to the Lingerose’s account. In total, there were 11 Lingerose’s results of first 18 pins displayed for “Lingerie Wholesale” in Pinterest.
I decided to look closer at top pins and boards where they had been repined to.
The first position „Miran 488 – Lingerose – Miran Lingerie Wholesale” was added 10 days earlier to the “Dress to impress” board with 296 followers and 2,096 pins.
This board belonged to the user – “Now that’s Lingerie” with:
38 Boards
14,027 Pins
360 Following
This was the account of a lingerie online store – so probably there were many keywords related to the „lingerie” keyword used. The user and its board were also very active with many pins added and many signals (repins and likes) received.

The second position was occupied by the pin “Anais Florance – Lingerose – Anais Lingerie Wholesale” – added 3 days earlier to the “you got the look I like” board with 51 followers and 171 pins.

38. you got the look I like board

This board belonged to “Karen Grunke” account with:
29 Boards
4,078 Pins
1,084 Following

Comparing the results from the 27th of March, the first 2 pins were moved lower to the position 4 and 5. The position number 3 remained the same. Ok, so what could drive Pinterest to put the pins described above on the first 2 positions? The first one belonged to a strong board and account. What about the second one? Neither board nor account was strong enough to be considered as the important factor.
However, I found something else. As you can see, the Lingerose’s pin is placed in the first line and it might be one of the factors. I’d compare this to a very popular SEO tip – to put a keyword at the top of indexed text. Also, here, Pinterest’s search engine might pay more attention to pins at the very top of a board. Simple – it is just easier and quicker to catch those results.

9th of April 2013
On the 9th of April for the first time I noticed some interesting fact about Pinterest search engine.

39. Lingerie Wholesale in Pinterest pins

Again, 11 of the 12 first pins displayed, belonged to As you may see, the pins number 5 and 6 (the right top corner) come from the Lingerose’s board “Lingerie wholesale”. I didn’t repin those pins to any other group boards where I was a contributor. I can say that these two pins were exceptions because all other pins were always repined to some other group boards where I contributed.
By the way in the first 400 results – only 15 pins didn’t belong to my campaign.

21st of April 2013
I want to analyze the results gathered that day. There were only Lingerose’s photos in the first 100 pins classified for the “lingerie wholesale” query.
The first position was occupied by one of the most repined Lingerose’s photo ever. It was added to the board: “TIFFANY BLUE-GREEN/PINK & ALL THINGS TIFFANY & CO! ??????????”
with 324 followers and 639 pins.
This board belonged to the user “Tracy Powers” with:
72 Boards
42,345 Pins
2,372 Following
On the 2nd position there was “Death by Lingerie” board (whatever it means ) with 229 followers and 986 pins.
This board belonged to the “cheribottom” user with:
39 Boards
3,350 Pins
258 Following
Time for number 3 and my pin added to “The girl in Red” board with 1,126 followers and 1,247 pins. By the way I can say that day Pinterest liked boards associated with colours.
The owner of this board is “Tom van de Merwe” with:
94 Boards
88,342 Pins
219 Following
Let’s have a look at another board – “Undergarments for ladied”. There were 4 pins of mine in the first 12 results which came from that board. That board had 4,463 followers and 109 pins added.

40. Undergarments for ladied

As you can see there were lot of my photos added to that board. The board belonged to the user – “Jackie Lewis” with:
286 Boards
21,846 Pins
18,259 Following
Ok, time for a little summary. I still didn’t want to believe that Pinterest displays pins in random order. What factors could Pinterest use to index the pins mentioned above and the boards – where they were pined to.

The 1st position – a lot of signals, 13 likes and 22 repins of my photo
The 2nd position – the keyword “lingerie” in the board’s name and its description, two of my photos with “lingerie wholesale” found in the first line, repined 8 days earlier
The 3rd position – 4 repins of my photo and a lot of my pins (with “lingerie wholesale”) found inside of that board, a strong account owner.
This is what I noticed that day. The most important factors in my opinion: signals, keywords (board name, board description, keyword density inside of a board, and strength of a user/board).
I also noticed that the highest ranked pins belonged to the boards which always included at least one of the Lingerose’s pins.
Of course, I might ask why Pinterest showed those results and why it didn’t show for example my pins from the “lingerie love” board where I contributed? There was a huge amount of my pins and keywords. The board and its owner was also very strong. And maybe I’ve just answered to that question to myself – the huge amount. Pinterest can use those factors in its search engine algorithm and on the other hand, if it detects too many of them in one place – it just ignores them.

So I already had some hypothesis – what might matter for the Pinterest’s search engine algorithm. Next months, I tried to verify my predictions and kept trying to find the best strategy for pins to be highly ranked in the list of search results.

29th of May 2013
I analyzed the first two pins which showed up in the search results. Of course, both of them came from and were repined by the owner of the biggest group board where I was a contributor. That board belonged to the very strong account of “Valentina Ogurtsova” with:
206 Boards
25,687 Pins
1,408 Following

It is important to notice the positive ratio of followers to following. I think, in general, this is a very important factor of all social media’s accounts, not Pinterest only.
The board itself where the pins were added was also powerful.

41. Lingerie in colors

As we may see, pins added to that board received a lot of signals (likes and repins).
I want to describe another user as well. In the first 10 results there were 4 Lingerose’s photos repined by “Amber Surdam” – what’s so special about her – let’s have a closer look at her account:
172 Boards
27,148 Pins
577 Following
Again, we can notice the positive ratio of followers to following. It is a very active user as well. She added a lot of Lingerose’s pins to her “Lingerie” board.

42. Lingerie

Also, in that board, pins received many signals. Another thing – Pinterest willingly indexed my pins from that board because they appeared on the very top of it.
So, once again, I want to highlight the factors which matter for the Pinterest’s search engine:
– ratio of followers to following
– number of pins added by a user
– strength of a board where pins are added (number of signals, number of pins, number of followers)
– position of pins appeared in a board – the higher pin is the bigger chance it is going to be indexed higher in Pinetrest search results

17th of June 2013
That day the results in Pinterest for “lingerie wholesale” were very interesting. They changed a lot. Why? Since the last Wednesday, I was testing a different pinning strategy. What does it mean? I stopped repining my pins to group boards and I was pinning new photos to my account only. How did it affect the results – let’s look at the first top ten:

43. lingerie wholesale in Pinterest

The first ten results are my pins only – it’s nothing new but… all of them come from the Lingerose’s boards only!
Checking the further pins I found another 30 photos which also belonged to my campaign.

Next months, I kept the same strategy of adding new photos to my boards only and not repining them to group boards where I was a contributor. It really worked. Below I present the results gathered in July and August 2013.

13th of July 2013
As you may see below, all the photos belong to the main and the biggest Lingerose’s board – “Lingerie Wholesale”.

44. lingerie wholesale
16th of August 2013
That day, I noticed the best results ever in the Pinterest’s search list. 398 pins of the first 400 which showed up for the “lingerie wholesale” query came from the Lingerose’s campaign.
So, a potential customer who typed in the searched query had no choice. He could even think that there was only one lingerie wholesale worldwide.

Below I present the top 50 results – all of them come from the Lingerose’s boards. Mostly, they belong to:
“Lingerie Wholesale – New Products”
“Sexy Lingerie Wholesale”
What was so special about those boards? I didn’t know yet, but I already knew that as far as I added pins to my boards only, I could be sure they were automatically displayed on the top of Pinterest search results. What’s more – at the very top.

45. Lingerie wholesale in Pinterest 16.08.2013 whole

That fact made me decide to go deeper in my analysis process, but this is gonna be the subject of the next article.


Pinterest’s SEO and search engine – introduction

Check the first part of our research – Pinterest’s impact on Google search results

In the second part of our research, I will try to reveal the most important factors for Pinterest search engine itself. I’ll check how Pinterest indexes pins and boards for specific keywords used in my campaign.

Pins search results

This part, concerning the factors that Pinterest’s search engine uses to build its index, will also be based on the research I did during my campaign for The aim of the campaign was not only to rank high in Google SERP for the “lingerie wholesale” query, but also in Pinterest. And I must admit that I achieved the other goal as well. The Lingerose’s pins captured Pinterest’s search index for the “lingerie wholesale” searched term.
Describing the details and results of the campaign I will try to answer what really works or matters for the Pinterest’s search engine algorithm.
Except for my most important search query, in this part of the book I will focus on some other keywords as well. This approach will give us a broader view on the Pinterest SEO field.

Read the next part of Pinterest’s SEO and search engine


Pinterest impact on Google – summary – part 11

Read the previous part of Pinterest impact on Google

Pinterest has a huge impact on Google all over the world. Not The US only – as many specialists claim. In fact, no matter what country you run your business in, a proper Pinterest’s campaign can turn out to be a real mile stone for your company. You may strongly improve your website’s position in Google results.
Of course, I’m not trying to say that Pinterest will always guarantee you the top of Google. I did precise research of Pinterest’s impact on Google for the most important query (‘lingerie wholesale’) for in this case. However, there are much more broader keywords which you may want to use. Still, no matter how popular and competitive query you would like to rank for, Pinterest’s marketing campaign will always help your website to be higher and higher in Google Search Results.

Check the second part of our research – Pinterest’s SEO and search engine

31. Sexy Lingerie Wholesale

Pinterest impact on Google – Sexy Lingerie Wholesale – part 10

Read the previous part of Pinterest impact on Google

Sexy Lingerie Wholesale

This searched term was related to the board „Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” where I pinned the photos related to erotic products offered in

31. Sexy Lingerie Wholesale

As you may see above, except the board name, I also included the keywords in the following board description:
„Looking for some extremely exciting pictures of the hottest lingerie ever? Welcome to our sexy lingerie wholesale board! Discover all we’ve shared here: from appealing, sophisticated sets – through classic but moving bras and thongs – to provocatively saucy body stockings and hosiery. You will be amazed by beautiful photos of the most seductive dresses. Funny sexy costumes will make you happy and excited. Ready? Get inspired! To see even more visit us at”.
What’s worth to mention is that I used a specific URL of the part of Lingerose dedicated to the erotic products’ offer. All the pins added to that board leaded to that URL as well.
Below, I will analyze the query based on how the results were changing during the campaign.
29th of April 2013
The board was classified at the 29th position.
24th of May 2013
One month later the „Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” board was classified:
the United States – the 7th position
the United Kingdom – the 12th position
Ireland – the 6th position

32. Google Monitor IRL

In Ireland also the researched URL was classified for the first time in the top 40 results, at the position 27th.
12th of June 2013

33. Sexy 12.06.2013 GM US

In the United States Lingerose’s site was indexed at the 9th position and the board at the 18th position.

I also checked the results from Singapore: was even placed 4 and the board was placed 12.

34. Sexy 12.06.2013 Singapore

We may notice here a very similar process to that one how Google was indexing the Lingerose’s results for the „lingerie wholesale” query.
First, Google indexed the Pinterest’s boards, then – the Lingerose’s site. The higher the site was indexed the lower the board was.
However, as many specialists claim, Pinterest uses unfollow links. Anyway, it seems like the Pinterest’s board gave a juice or kind of its power to the Lingerose’s site.

13th of July 2013
Checking the results in July, I discovered another increase of the Lingerose’s site for the „Sexy Lingerie Wholesale” query in Google’s SERP.

In the United States the site was classified at the 4th position and the board at the 17th.

In the United Kingdom reached the first page of Google search results.

35. Sexy 13.07.2013 UK
In the United Arab Emirates Lingerose was classified at the 3rd position and the board at the 19th.

36. Sexy 13.07.2013 UAE

Read the next part of Pinterest impact on Google

obsessive wholesale UK

Pinterest impact on Google – Obsessive Wholesale – part 9

Read the previous part of Pinterest impact on Google

Obsessive Wholesale

I also discovered that my campaign provided high positions of Lingerose site itself for the keywords different than „Lingerie Wholesale”.
I want to describe it on the basis of „Obsessive” brand – the most popular worldwide from the Lingerose’s offer.
I will show below the results for the „Obsessive Wholesale” query gathered in different months of my campaign.
31st of March 2013 – the 6th position in my browser
29th of April 2013 – the 5th position in my browser.

On the 19th of May I found the Obsessive Pinterest’s board on the 4th position in my browser.
In the United States both boards (with new and old names) were classified at the 4th and 5th position.
The “sexy lingerie” category of ( was indexed on the third page of Google results (position 26).

28. 19.05.2013 Google monitor Us obsessive

In the United Kingdom we had the 5th place for Obsessive’s board and the 14th place for the “sexy lingerie” category (
On the 13th of July 2013 I noticed the following results:
The United States – Pinterest’s board associated to the Obsessive’s offer was indexed at the 3rd position and at the 8th position.
In the United Kingdom Pinterest’s board was indexed at the 4th position and Lingerose at the 6th position.

The results from the 26th of August 2013 were very similar to the previous ones.
Just a quick reminder – the last pins were added to the Obsessive’s board in the middle of April. Nevertheless, the board kept very high position and gave Google a signal to index in the first top ten results for the query „Obsessive Wholesale”.
The United States

29. obsessive wholesale US

The Obsessive’s board was indexed at the 3rd position and at the 9th position.

The United Kingdom

obsessive wholesale UK
Pinterest’s board was indexed at the 4th position, at the 7th position and “sexy lingerie” category ( at the 8th position.

Read the next part of Pinterest impact on Google

21. Axami wholesale in Google

Pinterest impact on Google – brands keywords – part 8

Read the previous part of Pinterest impact on Google

The brands’ keywords

As I mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, my Pinterest’s campaign brought great results not only for the main query „lingerie wholesale” but also for some other keywords related to Lingerose’s offer.
Another aim of the campaign was to promote brands that products are sold in In total, I created 17 boards dedicated to the most popular manufacturers among Lingerose’s wholesale offer.
At the beginning of March in my Pinterest’s account I created the following boards:
“Axami Wholesale”
“Anais Wholesale”
„Ava Lingerie Wholesale”
„Gaia Lingerie Wholesale”
“Gorteks Wholesale”
“Gracya Wholesale”
„Inicitari Costumes Wholesale”
“Kinga Wholesale”
„Kostar Lingerie Wholesale”
„Miran Lingerie Wholesale”
“Obsessive Wholesale”
„Tessoro Lingrie Wholesale”
„Wol-bar Panties Wholesale”

As you may see I named the boards in three different ways:
a brand name + “wholesale”
a brand name + a product type + “wholesale”
a brand name
That way I could see how important for Google is the board’s title. All pins added to the boards contained in their descriptions: „brand name + wholesale” or „brand name + product type + wholesale”.

On the 31st of March, I decided to check positions of those Pinterest’s boards in Google. I checked them typing in: „brand name + wholesale”. These are very precise searched terms. However, for a Lingerose’s offer, that’s the type of the query that a potential customer may use to find a distributor of a particular brand. For example, if the customer is looking for an „Obsessive” wholesaler, the most probable query that he makes would be „Obsessive wholesale”.
Below, I present the results of that research for the following queries:
Axami wholesale” – Axami board is on the first position (see the print screen below)
I also checked the results in Google Monitor:
the USA – the 2nd position
the UK – the 3rd position

21. Axami wholesale in Google
Anais Wholesale” – my Pinterest’s board reached the first position. It took about 18 days.
Ava Wholesale” – this board was created 19 days earlier. “Ava” is much more competitive keyword than the other brands’ names offered in Lingerose. So, position number 4 is a really good result.
Gaia Wholesale” – Gaia’s board was created 19 days earlier. Because of the popularity of “gaia” keyword, it seemed to be more difficult to get a higher position in the Google search results. However, as we may see it reached the 6th position.
Gorteks Wholesale” – was created on the 12th of March. As we may see below, 19 days later Google indexed it as the first one.

22. Gorteks Wholeslae in Google

Gracya Wholesale” – „Gracya wholesale” board after 19 days was also indexed as the first one.
Inicitari Wholesale” – for these keywords Google indexed „Inictari Costumes Wholesale” board on the first position. This board was created on the 17th of March.
Kinga Wholesale” – the board was created on the 12th of March. After 19 days it reached the first position in Google search results.

23. kinga wholesale in Google

Kostar Wholesale” – Google displayed my board on the top of search results.
Miran Wholesale” – the board was indexed on the 5th position in Google search results. This board was created 14 days earlier.
Nessa Wholesale” – the Nessa’s board was created on purpose with no „wholesale” in the title. I wanted to see how it would be indexed by both – Pinterest and Google. The board appeared as the first one from all of the search results. We can see here that Google has “read” all the “wholesale” keywords from the Nessa’s pins descriptions.
Nipplex Wholesale” – This is a very similar situation to the the one described above. Also, the “Nipplex” board was created with no “wholesale” in the title. Let’s see what results Google displays for the “Nipplex Wholesale” query:

24. nipplex wholesale in Google

The first position as well. What’s interesting – Google displayed a different meta description for this board than for the other brands’ boards. For all the others, it displayed the same description – as the one used in my Pinterest’s account. However, for both “Nipplex” and “Nessa” boards it showed the descriptions of pins added to those boards.
So, it’s like Googlebot saw some correlation between a board’s title and an account’s description. If Googlebot doesn’t find this relation (common keywords) it might go further to see if those common keywords appear in pins descriptions.
It seems to be a little bit complicated but it shows the choice of factors important for Googlebot.

Obsessive Wholesale” – this board was created on the 17th of March. After 14 days for the same searched term Google indexed my board on the 6th position.
Tessoro Wholesale” – Google displayed the Tessoro’s board as the second one in the search results.
Wol-bar Wholesale” – the board appeared as the 4th one.

So, as you may see, Pinterest’s boards have been very well. After 2-3 weeks times almost all of them reached the top of Google for the relevant searched query.
Of course, there wasn’t indexed itself, but the boards related to its offer. Anyway, the Lingerose’s site was just a one click further.

On the 2nd of April I decided to change all of the brands boards’ titles that didn’t contain „lingerie” or „lingerie wholesale”. So we had the new boards’ names:
“Axami Lingerie Wholesale”
“Kinga Lingerie Wholesale”
“Gracya Lingerie Wholesale”
“Gorteks Lingerie Wholesale”
“Anais Lingerie Wholesale”
“Obsessive Lingerie Wholesale”
“Nessa Lingerie Wholesale”
“Nipplex Lingerie Wholesale”

How this action affected Google I checked one week later and got the following results:
Obsessive wholesale

25. Obsessive wholesale in Google

As we can see the newly named board reached the 6th position. I’m saying “newly named board” because Google sees this board as a new one. I checked the results in Google Monitor and for the UK, Google displayed both of Obsessive’s boards. On the position number 5 – the new “Obsessive Lingerie Wholesale” board and on the next, 6th position – the old “Obsessive Wholesale” board which redirected to the 404 page.

Anais Wholesale” – disappeared from the first 10 results. At the 11th position “” was indexed. The “new” board wasn’t indexed yet.
Kostar Lingerie Wholesale” – the new board indexed at the position number 1.
Ava Lingerie Wholesale” – the new board indexed at the 4th place.
Gaia Wholesale” – the new board of Gaia was indexed already as the 6th one.
Kinga Wholesale” – I noticed that the “old” board still occupied the top of search results. But it redirected to the 404 page.
As the next one, Google classified the “Pin Up Lingerie Wholesale” board. That board was dedicated to “Pin-Up Girl” which was a collection of Kinga’s brand. We could see there a huge impact of the keywords used in pins descriptions. In that board there were no keywords in the title or description.
Nipplex wholesale” – number 1 – the “old” board that redirected to the 404 page.
We have the same situation with the keywords “Nessa wholesale” and “Gracya wholesale” and the boards associated.
Tessoro wholesale” – Google indexed the “new” board as the first one.
Gorsenia wholesale” – the new board of Gorsenia was also indexed as the first one.
Miran Wholesale” – Miran’s “new” board was indexed on the 3rd position.
Ok, it might seem to be quite confusing. Sometimes Google indexed the boards with the new name, sometimes with the old one and sometimes – indexed the both of them.
It wasn’t a mistake to change the boards’ names because in the long term it would bring the desired effects. However, at that moment those actions changed a lot. My advice is: give your boards their proper names from the very beginning.

What was interesting – I stopped adding new pins to the brands’ boards in April but it didn’t change their positions in Google search results during the next months of the campaign.

Below, there are some results from the 3rd of June 2013 for the query „Axami Wholesale” – one of the most popular brands in the Lingerose’s offer. The last pin was added to the board in the middle of April.
The United States – the 4th position

26. Axami 03.06.2013 GM US

The United Kingdom – the 4th position

27. Axami 03.06.2013 GM UK

Read the next part of Pinterest impact on Google